The charter members for the new chapter were brothers: Donald Armstrong, Rashad Bridges, Delwin Clark, Abdul Cole, Joe Corprew, Calvin Craig, Jerome Fleming, Keith Grantham, Charles Hicks, Kevin Hodge, Antoine Johnson, Rodney Jordan, Ronald Mazyck, Mackie Mckee, Tyrone McRae, Eric Owens, Costello Oxendine, Carlos Privette, Marc Rose, Robert Tate, Quentin Vickers, Ronald White, Foster Wilkins, Stan Williams, James Witherspoon, and Mike Wright.
After submitting the charter application a letter was sent to Iota Iota, Beta Phi and Beta Beta Beta chapters to notify them that a group of brothers had submitted an application to charter a new chapter in a neighboring area. It was discussed and decided that the brothers should consider putting in place key members of the chapter’s leadership to navigate thru the remainder of the process. Brother Grantham was elected Basileus, Brother Clark was elected Vice Basileus, and Brother Carlos Privette was elected Keeper of Records and Seal. District Representative Bruinton asked for a meeting with the Brothers of Iota Iota and the Brothers on the charter application. This was an open forum for brothers to express any concerns.
On July 29, 2011 during the Centennial Conclave in Washington, DC. The charter was granted with an effective date of September 1, 2011. The brothers celebrated the opportunity afforded them to be one of the chapters charted in the Centennial year of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. Celebrating 100 years and having the ability to make history all at the same time. The next order of business was to elect the other members of the chapter’s leadership team. Having already electing Basileus Keith Grantham, Vice Basileus Delwin Clark, Keeper of Records and Seal Carlos Privette. The following brothers were elected to serve on the Chapter’s executive board: Assistant Keeper of Records and Seal Jerome Flemming, Keeper of Finance Ronald White, Assistant Keeper of Finance Kevin Hodge, Keeper of Peace Tyrone McRea, Chaplain Joe Corprew, Parliamentarian Abdul Cole, Chapter Reporter Ronald Mazyck. In an attempt to reduce the opportunities for conflict between the brothers of Iota Iota and Xi Mu Mu a Memorandum of Understanding was drafted at the request of District Representative Bruinton that defined the service areas, and operating parameters between the chapters. This included defining Achievement Week and Talent Hunt as mandated joint programs.
Xi Mu Mu held a charter celebration on August 31, 2011. Sixth District Representative Brother Victor Bruinton presented the charter and installed the chapter officers. The celebration was attended by First Vice Grand Basileus Brother Tony Knox, Omega brothers from Iota Iota and Beta Phi, local Pan-hellenic council members and local community dignitaries.
As the news of a new Omega chapter in the Raleigh area began to spread in the community, one of the first articles of mail received by the chapter was solicitation from First Missionary Baptist Church of Smithfield to support a Youth day program they would be having on September 24, 2011.
The brothers travelled to Smithfield, NC to support the event. Basileus Grantham introduced himself and the chapter to the community. As we are a newly chartered chapter in Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. he expressed that they should expect to see and hear from the brothers as we begin to reach out and begin building an active presence in the community as Johnston County is one of designated service areas. The brothers talked and interacted with the kids and community members present, the brothers ended the day fellowshipping and discussing how excited they were having completed the chapter’s first Social Action event.
On November 5, 2011, tThe brothers of Xi Mu Mu chapter hosted a pancake breakfast at Applebee’s in Raleigh, NC. The brothers entertained several members of other Greek organizations and members of the local community. The funds from the breakfast would support Social Action activities planned for the 2011 – 2012 fiscal year.
On November 13, 2011 the brothers of Iota Iota and Xi Mu Mu Chapters kicked off their first joint Achievement Week Celebration with the theme: “Celebrating the Past 100 Years; Setting the Course for the Next 100 Years”. During Founders Week, the two chapters held several activities in support of the Achievement Week celebration. Much of the planning for Achievement Wweek was planned by Iota Iota, as such Xi Mu Mu participated in a supportive role and assisted in whatever way called upon.
The first event was our participation in Sunday’s worship service at Raleigh’s St. Paul AME Church. Other events that week included a Health Information Seminar held at Shaw University, a Violence Prevention Workshop held at North Carolina State University, Omega Reading Day at the Word of God Christian Academy, the Clarence E. Lightner Youth Leadership Banquet and a very successful Founders Day Party.
Additionally, many area brothers took part in our annual Re-Dedication Ceremony which was held on Founders Day and led by Sixth District Representative Victor Bruinton. The main event and the highlight of the week was our Annual Achievement Week Banquet. The Achievement Week Banquet was held at Saint Augustine’s College with over 200 brothers, family members and friends in attendance. We were graced with the presence of our First Vice Grand Basileus Brother Tony Knox and our Master of Ceremony was Past Grand Marshall Brother Michael Morgan. The 37th Sixth District Representative Brother Victor Bruinton was the keynote speaker for the banquet. Brother Bruinton challenged the brothers to make the most of our lives by filling every minute with the best we have to offer. The event truly was a celebration of the community and Omega. The program included musical entertainment by violinist Ms. Mollie DuCoste, Iota Iota’s 2011 Talent Hunt representative.
The following awards were presented to the brothers of Omega and to members of the community:
Citizen of the Year - Rev. William Barber (NC NAACP President)
Organization of the Year – Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc, Raleigh Alumnae Chapter
High School Essay Contest Winner – Mr. Tyler Jackson
Undergraduate Chapter Advisor Award – Brother Frederick L. Thomas
Charles Young Military Leadership Award – Brother Voris McBurnette
Founders Award – Brother Ken A. Johnson
Superior Service Award – Brother Alton McCoy
Omega Man of the Year – Brother Glenn L. Thomas
Special Recognition Awards Brothers with 50 or more years in Omega
Omega Champs Supporters-Brothers L.T. Williams, G. Ray Chance, Fred Thomas
In celebrating one hundred years of Omega, the brothers of Iota Iota and Xi Mu Mu have re-dedicated themselves to Omega and serving their communities. Setting the course for the next one hundred years, Xi Mu Mu chapter, which was chartered in Omega’s centennial year, is prepared to continue the great tradition of striving to meet the needs of our community.
In December the Social Action Committee lead by Brother Abdul Cole in collaboration with the Wake County Department of Social Services identify 3 families to receive food donations in the form of prepackaged Christmas meal. These packages were delivered to the families on November 10, 2012.
On January 16, 2012 the brothers of Xi Mu Mu began the day participating in the Martin Luther King march in Fuquay-Varina. The brothers used the time between songs on the march to introduce the chapter to the community. As the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity chapter now responsible for serving the community. After the march the brothers served the participants breakfast at New Providence Baptist Church. This provided the opportunity for the brothers to interact with the children and participants of the the MLK program. During the interactions with the people in attendance the brothers met Mayor John Byrne and Brother William Harris town commissioner. The community thanked the brothers for coming out and supporting them and the brothers asked that if they can be a resource in any way that they should not hesitate to reach out to the Xi Mu Mu chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity. After leaving the Fuquay-Varina events some of the brothers headed to Raleigh to participate in the events in Raleigh and to and meet up with the brothers of Iota Iota chapter.
On Saturday February 4, 2012 the brothers of Xi Mu Mu in conjunction Mt Zion Church held its first Annual Charles R. Drew Blood Drive. The brothers started the day with a goal of obtaining 30 donations. Local citizens also participated by either signing up online, or just walking up and deciding to donate for such a worthy cause as the American Red Cross. The Mayor of Cary stopped by to show his support and to thank everyone for coming out and participating in this event. The undergraduate brothers from Tau Psi, and Kappa Epsilon undergraduate chapters came out and supported of the brothers of Xi Mu Mu. When the brothers that were not donating blood, or those that were not iin a position to donate blood, committed their time to support the American Red Cross staff, and served snacks to the patrons throughout the day. The brothers enjoyed the fellowship with each other and members of the church and the community. At the end of the day when all donations were counted the event resulted in 47 donations. The brothers are encouraged by the support shown by the community and offer sincere thanks to all that contributed to make this event a success.
The brothers of Iota Iota and Xi Mu Mu hosted the Talent Hunt program. The program had participants from several area schools. The kids were amazing and the community was treated with a special performance from the 2011 talent hunt winner that had moved away but recently won talent hunt contest in the 2nd District. Two winners were selected to represent each chapter at the district level. Molly DuCoste would represent Iota Iota and would represent Xi Mu Mu.
The brothers hosted a Game Night with the Western Wake chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. This fundraiser helped support sponsoring three boys for the Sixth District boy’s camp. The Western Wake chapter was given the opportunity to identify a child to attend the Boys camp.
As the brothers looked at the activities that had been held and what remained on the calendar for the remainder of the year. The brothers really wanted an event that would facilitate the families getting together to begin building relationships to strengthen the bonds the brothers have established. A family and friend day was already planned, but the brother still wanted some event to allow the wives and significant others of the brothers to get together and begin to interact. The brothers organized a couple’s dinner as a small token of appreciation and acknowledgment of the amount of time the brothers were spending away from their families.
To wrap up the year the brothers hosted a family and friends appreciation cookout. This was the chapter’s way of giving back and thanking the community for all the support provide to the chapter in its first year. Over 300 hundred people came out and supported this event.